Sonntag, 11. April 2010

Why should I prepare for the TOEIC test?

I must admit that it's high time to put my courage to the TOEIC test which stands for Test of English for International Communication. In fact, I have kind of a ticket which allows me to take the test for free. The benefit will expire at the end of August.
I haven't taken the test for over three years, so I'm a bit unsettled. They say that the test requires some specific methods especially when you aim to make a good record. I don't know much about it, and in fact I'm not willing to study English for passing exams. I'd like to study "active English" rather than "bookish English." Having said that, I'm happy with a good score. Oh, my, I have mixed feelings...

HI, I understand your mixed feelings totally. But remember, studying English (what you have called bookish English) and active English are just two parts of a very big picture. Even native English speakers have to study English to become native English speakers, and, even after they become native English speakers, they have to do some passive study to become better native English speakers, therefore there is nothing better on your way to becoming a fluent speaker than to study both actively and passively.

Do not confuse “active/passive” study of English with “preparation for a test”. These two things are different. In fact, no matter what test you are sitting, whether for car mechanics or English language, preparation is very important so that you understand the test itself and know what to do and how to do it. (this is called strategy).

Planning a good strategy will allow you to concentrate fully on the skill being tested and not have a part of your brain concentrating on “how should I do this? How should I answer this question? Am I spending too long answering one question? Will I be able to finish in time? Now what should I do now? What do they mean? …. etc” during the test sitting.

Preparation for a test is to allow you to perform better and get a higher score through good planning and understanding of the demands of the test, not improve the skill being tested.

Forget the comments about secrets and tricks. These are just marketing words used by publishers to get students to purchase their TOEIC material. Actually these claims are very unprofessional and turning the TOEIC test (a professional language proficiency test) into a game to be beaten in the eyes of students, a little like the secret command IDKFA for the game Doom. The fact is that there are no secrets or tricks, just some common sense things to think about and to use to plan a strategy.

The TOEIC test does not try to fool students, rather present to the students during the test sitting, certain English situations where mistakes can be and are made; even by native English speakers.

At we offer students the chance to prepare correctly for the TOEIC test, and, also improve their English language vocabulary, grammar, fluency and speed plus much more.

It is all a matter of time; to only prepare for the TOEIC test will require about 9 hours, to prepare and improve your English will take longer. This is why at OnlineEnglish we offer a 5 day quick preparation membership, the, memberships for 1,3,6 and 12 months for students that also wish to improve their English.

I wish you luck in your test.

Authorized TOEIC Test Administrator.
Hamburg-English Official TOEIC Test Center.

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